I'm a bit of an expert on electric heaters, as I've owned over 200 rental properties and often heat the vacant ones (to prevent freeze damage) with portable electric heaters, rather than turning on gas to the property and firing up the furnace. I ALSO moved INTO a foreclosed home 3 years ago (I live near the US border with Canada) and the home's oil furnace was shot. As much experience as I had with heating rentals with portable electric heaters, I decided to "temporarily" heat my own home that way until I got around to investing in a new furnace. Well...that was 3 years ago and I'm still heating my home with 5 plug-in, electric heaters...because they've worked well enough that a central furnace still hasn't made it to the top of my priority list. I have owned probably 30 different electric heaters, and early on, I figured most were about the same. Boy was I wrong! Price, quality and effectiveness varies as much as it does when buying a new car! The same power consumption DOES NOT equal the same heat output, and while some heaters last for years and years, working 24/7 during the winter, some brands/models routinely break after a few months of working long hours. This heater is one of the top 3 best I've ever owned, and possibly the best FOR THE MONEY. It's as light-weight and easy to move around as as a jumbo-sized cup of coffee, it puts out more heat than I can BELIEVE for such a small unit, it heats one of my 15x15 rooms to 70 degrees when it is 15 degrees outside, and it hasn't broken, frozen-up, stalled, malfunctioned in ANY way yet! The fan noise is a MILD annoyance, but as another review cited, it is a very soft, consistent, non-offensive "white noise" which some might view as a positive. Great value, great product. No fancy digital readouts or super-accurate "set-the-temperature-you-want-and-go" but if you're looking for a tiny, light, dependable, MONSTER of a heat-producer, this IS your heater. By the way, I have NOTHING to gain from singing this product's praises. I just wish I had read a review like this before wasting my money on so many of the garbage units I've bought.
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I just got one of these and it's about as basic as such a product can be. Safety was a significant factor for me I don't want any product that gets glowing hot, so I looked into ceramic heaters with overheating protection.
This ceramic heater works, and puts out a significant quantity of heat. The low power setting uses 1000W to avoid tripping circuit breakers. The high power setting uses 1500W. The "thermostat" just controls the duty cycle (heater turns itself on/off frequently; the lower the setting, the more time the heater is "off")
My only complaint is that the fan is a little loud. Not terribly loud, but certainly audible. Perhaps a larger unit with the same power rating might be quieter.
Best Deals for Sunbeam Ceramic Heater for Small Room
I purchased this item mainly because of the cost (note: I didn't buy this on Amazon.com for a change; found it 1/2 price in-store at a big-box store).
It does the trick as my workspace (approx. 8 x 12 ft.) is colder than the rest of the office. The heater's low setting is ample to heat my feet when I place it under my desk. The high setting is sufficiently heats my office. The heater blows warm/hot air instantly. Good for the price.
Honest reviews on Sunbeam Ceramic Heater for Small Room
On a chilly night, I turn this on and close the door. It cut my heating bill in half. On the few coldest winter nights of the season, it isn't enough. You may need two or three depending on how cold your winters are. You can set the thermostat so that it will shut itself off when it gets warm enough. A ceramic heater heats a whole room evenly like central heat. I got mine at a department store for about $20.
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I picked one of these little heaters up at Walmart for $12. I think they might have been slightly more during the dead of winter but not much. It does a pretty good job at heating a small room and is quieter than a big window unit that costs a lot more to run. Now I'll just have to see how long it lasts.

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