List Price: $235.00
Sale Price: $112.00
Today's Bonus: 52% Off

I bought this after my Adagio Teas triniTea Electric 32-Ounce Tea Maker began deteriorating after about a year. I've been using the Cuisinart for about two weeks now, and I really like it compared to the Adagio maker. Below are my list of pros and cons (when comparing this to the Adagio.)
The Cuisinart tea maker is a very sturdy device (the kind Cuisinart is known for.) The carafe is very good, the spout does not dribble when it pours, and all of the parts seem to be made quite well. It is also quite easy to use; reading the directions are probably a minor necessity, but once you get the quick hang of it, it is very easy to use. Fill your carafe and steeper. (b) Turn on and program the desired water temperature. (c) When that is reached and the machine beeps, lower the stepper (with a twist of the dial) and program the steeping time. (d) Once that time is reached and the machine beeps, bring the steeper back up and pour your cup. Lastly, I like that the "keep warm" feature not only keeps the tea at your selected temperature, but stops after 30 minutes (keeping in mind that the carafe still holds the heat for another 45 or so minutes, even when the burner is off).
For all that, there are a few minor annoyances. First, unlike the Trinitea, which does everything for you (like a coffee maker), this machine requires a fair amount of manual attention when your tea is brewing. That is, the steeper doesn't extend and retract by itself, but relies on you to manually adjust it. This is only a minor annoyance, but it does mean that you can basically get the same results with buying an electronic kettle and an Adagio Teas 16-Ounce Ingenuitea Teapot, keeping the time yourself. (It also means that I can't just turn the machine on and do other things while it is brewing.) Secondly, while I love the fact that the "keep warm" feature shuts off automatically after a certain time, I'd love it if we had the option to choose how much time we wanted it to stay on for. I take my time with my tea, and 30 minutes is JUST too short for me to enjoy my customary 3 cups without having to microwave the last of them. Again, not a big deal, but something to consider. (Of course, the Trinitea nokt only doesn't have an automatic shut off feature, but the "keep warm" setting should read "keep luke warm" because that's what it does. So I can't complain too much about the Cuisinart.)
So, if you are considering a tea maker, I would strongly recommend this over the Trinitea (which several people have noted breaks down after a fairly short time.) This machine is sturdier, makes tea that is every bit as good, and does a good job of keeping it warm (for at least 30 minutes) after it is steeped. But just be advised that this is not an "automatic" machine that you can turn on and let do its thing; it does require manual adjustments of the steeper when it is making your tea. If money is an issue, you might just consider getting an electric kettle and a cheaper Adagio Teas 16-Ounce Ingenuitea Teapot and controlling the time and temperature yourself. But if you can spend very-low-triple-digits on a machine, this is a really good buy.
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FINAL UPDATE 6/20/2013: The replacement I was sent by Cuisinart died after eight months, just like its predecessor. The unit was kept clean, the base dry and it handled with care. I used it once about 5-6 times a week, so it's not as though it was being used all day every day. I love the looks the unit and the ability to heat water to different temperatures, but I am now in the market for another electric kettle. A kettle that costs over $100 should last longer than eight months...UPDATE 10/24/2012: After approximately eight months of consistent usage, the kettle shorted out. When plugged in, all the lights flashed and I was unable to select any of the options. I'd say that it was used about 1-2 times a day for about eight months. While used frequently, it wasn't abused in any way. I kept it reasonably dry on the outside and no dropping/rough handling.
This product has a three year warranty. So, I called Cuisinart and paid ten bucks for them to send me a new one. And, of course, I had to ship the old one back. I will use the brand new one and update this review periodically. Hopefully I just got a bit of a bum unit the first time...Nevertheless, doesn't inspire much confidence as this was a new model on the market when I purchased it.
And to the person who asked: Yes, it is BPA free. :)
ORIGINAL REVIEW: It's a little embarrassing, but as an avid tea drinker (around 4 cups a day), this is my first electric kettle. After my trusty stove-top kettle stopped whistling and found fit to spit scolding water, I was in the market for a new one. I wanted an electric kettle for the safety features and convenience. I searched online for a kettle made of quality materials (glass, stainless steel, and BPA-free). And since I mainly drink green, yerba mate and white teas, I became increasingly sold on the new variable temperature options. Not necessary to make a good cup of tea, but it sure does make the process fool-proof.
Armed with research, I went to my local Bed, Bath and Beyond with a 20% off coupon (which I would recommend if you have one in your area since my kettle came to One-hundred and three dollars, about twenty-six dollars cheaper than the current advertised price on Amazon). In the end, it came down to this kettle and the Breville One-Touch Tea Maker. At first glance, you would think this to be a poor substitute for the Breville, but side-by-side, the quality of the construction seems equal. Also, since this kettle has a manual steeping basket, it has fewer automated parts and is less likely to break down. Plus, it comes with a separate lid that removes the steeping mechanism, should you wish.
At first, it took me a couple of minutes to figure out the steeping mechanism and lid. Depositing the loose leaf tea was awkward the first couple of times. It is dishwasher safe and I found cleaning it by hand to be a snap. That said, I do have small hands and I know one of the reviewers indicated it was hard with arthritis, which I can imagine, but not speak to personally.
I got this a week ago and I'm loving it. However, I can't speak to the longevity of it, but I will periodically update this review.
One star off for the slightly awkward steeping mechanism. Otherwise, close to perfect.
Best Deals for Cuisinart TEA-100 PerfecTemp Programmable Tea Steeper and Kettle
I use to drink coffee where brewing is pretty standard. I always loved teas but could not make it taste good every time because teas are far more difficult to brew properly. And I researched buying an iced tea maker but couldn't find one without problems. This tea maker makes both hot and iced teas to perfection.At first, I thought this was a cheaper version of the other steeper that sells for around $240. But, I was glad to see that this has fewer moving parts and, therefore, less likely to break down. The water heats rapidly and it keeps the correct temperature for the entire steeping time.
Read directions carefully-they are a little confusing. And it's difficult to spoon loose tea in, get used tea out, and to clean strainer because of poor design. There is some plastic on the tea steeping mechanism which comes in contact with the hot water, but, there is no aftertaste. The metal at the bottom of pot does become permanently discolored but does not seem to interfere with taste. The product just came out at the end of 2011 so there has not been enough time to determine durability.
But, it does what it says. I am drinking much more tea and enjoying it.
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