List Price: $109.99
Sale Price: $99.99
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Bought this heater through Northern tool. It functions well and really puts out the heat. It's a small unit and really easy to move around the house where heating is needed. I like the removable fuel tank and the ignition system.
Smells just a little bit upon start up and shutdown, but other that that, it really burns clean and almost odor free. Use only fresh K1 kerosene in this heater, dry burn the wick once every 5 tanks of fuel and the wick should last you 3-4 heating seasons. Just make sure your kerosene does not have water in it. A trick I learned a long time ago is to add 1/2 tsb of ISO-HEET fuel line deicer and water remover to each gallon of kerosene. The Iso-HEET alcohol will absorb any water and burn it off without messing up the wicks ability to wick up the kerosene.
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Got it for $89 bucks + shipping from Amazon. Arrived, very timely. Does everything it says it does, but gives off a fair amount of fumes. Would work great for a garage, workshop, or emergency use, but can't see how you can use it "semi-regularly" in your house. A carbon monoxide detector is a must. It's "fair". Update: After the initial break-in period, there's no smell at all. My CO detector says "zero". Heats my entire 1 bedroom apartment great. I recommend this heater. Next time, I'll be more patient when reviewing something!Best Deals for Sengoku CTN-110 KeroHeat 10,000 BTU Portable Radiant Kerosene
REally a reliable heater. Mine burns all night without a problem. Starts eazy and love the new no break started plug instead of the little wire that brakes on most ignighters. Burn wick time is cut in 1/2.You can't fill tank without putting it out first-real saftey feature. No kero smell during, after burning. or shutting off. Miles knows his stuff, we all know who miles is by now.Honest reviews on Sengoku CTN-110 KeroHeat 10,000 BTU Portable Radiant Kerosene
I purchased this heater as a backup in case power is off for a extended time.I purchased kerosene at a local gas station, undyed was $4 a gal. (here in TN.) Local WMart sells kero for $10 a gal.
I like the removable tank, seems well made. filled it up, let sit for about a hr. (per instructions) and lit it up outside to burn off any residues. brought it in and adjusted flame to lowest setting, no flames on top.
the heater puts off a nice amount of heat, for it's size. and no stinky smells like heaters I used many years ago. I like it!
I'll post a pic of what my cat thinks about it.
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You don't see many of these heaters anymore these days. I grew up with three Aladdins in my family. Two still work after 32 yrs at my parents place. But no stoves or parts are made anymore. It's really a shame.In my home, I used a small Enviroheat 11000BTU kerosene heater. A combination of the hand crank and impossible wick replacement finally lead it to the junk heap. And this is the only modern "floor model" kerosene stove I've seen. You'll find three different manufacturers all put their name on this same model stove. Sengoku is actually the original maker....all other just import it and put their brand sticker on it.
When you first fill up the cartridge tank, you will notice a dark oil already inside there. This is normal and mixes with kerosene fine. I assume it's just something to keep the tank from drawing in moisture as it sits for long periods.
Be sure to let the first full cartridge tank set for about an hour. This lets the wick soak up the kerosene fully and evenly for the first time. The igniting method is just great. I've used the round crank on older heaters all my life. This simple "lever" style igniter is just great. Push the slider all the way down, you'll hear a buzz and see the stove ignite. Then simply let go. The slider will return the the "high" position. A slight push up and the flame will go 1/4" down to the "low" position.
It puts out quite a lot of heat. Moreso than my previous 11000 BTU I think. But now this leads me to the only "drawback" of this stove. If you've had experience with kerosene heaters, you'll know that some have a blower built in. Other models like the Alladin could be outfitted with an external blower attatched to the top of the stove. The Sengoku doesn't come with any internal blower. I had planned on using one such external blower on it. But just below the top "shelf" of the heater, just above the lamp, there's some kind of metal (carbon?) plate. This plate dampens most of the heat going to the top of the heater.
Now, on one hand this is good. Keeps all the heat coming from the front of the heater. And while the top is still hot,it won't melt your skin off if you touch it like older heaters would. But the major drawback is an external blower, putting a fan behind the unit, or anything else like that has little effect. But nowhere does the manufacturer say that you should put accessories or blowers on their unit. Nor do they claim to have an internal blower. So this "drawback" is more about my general expectations than a fault of the product itself.
The backside of the heater is cool. The sides are even touchable, although the front edge of the sides are a little warm. But from the handles back, you're cool to the touch. I would be careful not to put this in a "tight" place. At least leave a little room on the sides. It really just begs to be pushed up against the wall and between your furniture b/c it's only about as wide as a surround sound receiver. But do be careful with your placement.
It has a manufacturer's warranty and contact information card is the first thing you see when you open the box. Every part number is found inside the manual. I know Ace carries the wick for this heater b/c they sell this heater with a different brand name for 20 bucks more. I'm not sure how the part numbers match up, but they definitely have it. Search Ace's website for kerosene heaters and you'll see this one.
The manual also has very detailed info on wick maintenance so please read it. It needs to be done with every new wick at least a few times, or you'll have to change it every season. So far I'm very pleased with it's performance and price.
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