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After reading Mirielle Guiliano's memoir about food, entitled "French Women Don't Get Fat" and feeling annoyance over the loss of Total Greek Yogurt on the shelves of my local Whole Food (this is temporary), I decided to buy this yogurt maker and simply make my own.
The procedure is a simple one; heat some milk until bubbles appear on the side of the pan and steam actually rises; take off the stove and pop in the included thermometer. When the milk temperature lowers to a specific window indicated on the thermometer, add some milk to 2 tablespoons of purchased plain yogurt or yogurt starter. Mix and then add to the milk in the pan.
As the yogurt maker has slots for 8 containters with lids, simply pour an equal amount of the milk from the pan, put on the lids, cover the yogurt maker and plug the machine in.
The machine sits on a counter; I advise parking it in a place where the digital controls are not interferred with as just one little push will turn the whole thing off. I set my yogurt to "cook" for 14 hours. The result: Great consistancy and flavor that matches store bought without the preservatives and other additives.
The machine includes includes instructions on how to make flavored yogurt; it seems simple, but I have not tried it.
Bottom line: this machine does the trick with little or no fuss. I also purchased the yogurt cheese maker which will allow me to turn my homemade yogurt into a spread that I can use on bread in the AM. Doesn't get any better!
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I must admit, I was skeptical. Over the years, I've eaten so much yogurt; in the last two years, I've switched to plain yogurt as most others have so much sugar. It's hard to find plain yogurt that tastes great--both the taste and the texture have to be just so. The best-tasting option I've found is a brand sold at Whole Foods; it's expensive, and it seems that the full-fat version is the only kind with the right texture.When I read the book "French Girls Don't Get Fat", I thought I'd give homemade yogurt a try and save a little money (sort of like buying an espresso machine, rather than buying a $3 latte at Starbucks every day!)
Yesterday I made my first batch with the Donvier Yogurt Maker. First of all, it's SO simple. Three ingredients: Milk, milk powder, and starter (I used 2T of my regular brand). Four simple steps:
1. Stir the milk powder into the milk (I used non-fat milk, and the non-fat milk powder makes the yogurt creamier)
2. Heat the milk until it almost boils
3. Cool the milk till it reaches 110--simple to gauge, using the thermometer included with the machine--then add the starter
4. Pour into the cups, and let the machine do its work!
I mixed the batch up in the morning, and by the evening I could move the cups to the fridge to chill. This morning I was treated to fresh yogurt; the creamiest, freshest tasting yogurt I've ever had, and it was non-fat with NO additives!
I highly recommend this machine. If you like yogurt, you'll love what you can make at home with the Donvier!
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I recently purchased the DONVIER after reading the French diet book. Like another reviewer...I too use whole organic milk. I do not heat the milk on the stove in a pan...too messy. What I do instead is to put all of the milk into a large Pyrex measuring cup, pop it in the microwave for 6 minutes and it is ready to go. I did not buy the starter, instead, I use a couple of teaspoons from the last jar that I am going to use, whisk it all in the Pyrex, double check the temp. and pour it into the cups.Honest reviews on Cuisipro Donvier Electronic Yogurt Maker
This yogurt maker gives poor results. I used whole milk and added milk powder, as the booklet suggests. It heated it to nearly boiling, cooled it to the suggested temp with the thermometer supplied, added in the powdered yogurt culture that came with the machine, and cooked it in the little cups for 12 hours. All very easy to do. In the end, I had four cups of decent yogurt from the middle pots, and four cups of liquid from the outer ones. It appears that the machine's main problem is too low a temperature, and even lower temps on the outer parts of the machine.Also, the recipe calls for 1 quart of milk, and that only half fills the little cups.
I'm going to try making yogurt in my toaster oven, which has a 100F setting, and see how that works. I'm disappointed that this little machine doesn't do the one thing it's supposed to do heat the 8 cups and produce yogurt after 10 hours.
Edited August 2008: I have been successfully making yogurt in my regular oven, by mixing 1 1/2 quart milk and a 1/2 cup Activia yogurt as the original starter culture, then filling small Rubbermaid snack cups and putting on the lids. I use only the oven light and leave the cups overnight (6-8 hours). Excellent yogurt, easy to make, and without any more appliances cluttering up my kitchen. I keep my starter going by using the last cup of my homemade yogurt mixed into milk for the next batch.
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I cannot say enough good things about this item, even though I purchased it somewhat tentatively and my husband thought it would be the next big white elephant. I decided on this product as it seemed to offer a few extras for slightly more cost (thermometer, timer, etc.). I have been making yogurt every week since however and it could not be easier, fresher or better tasting. I have followed the directions included with the maker and have not had any problems (organic skim milk, organic milk powder and yogurt as starter. Heat milk in microwave 8 minutes, "cook" in maker for 10 1/2 hours). The yogurt is firm, I think comparable to American store versions. My four year old eats it on his cereal instead of milk and asks for it for snacks, eating right out of the container. I also purchased the additional set of yogurt cups so I could make a new batch while still eating the rest.I would like to add I am not an organic go-getter. We've recently been making some changes based on a general concern for how often we are exposed to chemicals, etc. in our and our children's lives. The yogurt maker has given us one more way to feel secure in and expand our choices. Enjoy!
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