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The MOST IMPORTANT POINT.....most people post a 5 star review after they receive a product, install it and it works. They are happy and they give a product 5 stars for working after they take it out of the box. This review is after 21 months of careful testing.
I have pages of handwritten and collected data on the problem with this freeze protection probe. But I will try to be concise here.
The Timer itself generates warmth when in the metal weather proof box. This causes the temperature to rise inside the weatherproof box and causes the freeze protection copper tube that runs through the box to cut off the pump, thinking it is now warmer than freezing, even if the outside air temperature is still below freezing. Now, once the timer is off, the box cools down and then in 20 minutes or so, the Freeze Protection will cut the pump back on and it will run until the temperature in the box rises again and it cuts off the Freeze Protection switch.
This results in your pumps turning on and running for 30 minutes and then turning off for 20 minutes, then running for 30 minutes and then turning off for 20 minutes. Ultimately, this will keep your equipment from freezing, but it doesn't really work like it is supposed to. It is better for the electric pump to come on and run for the 6 hours you go below freezing, instead of this on and off pattern.
I spent a lot of time with Intermatic Service Techs on the phone. I was obsessed with making this thing work. Mainly because I had paid $155 for this item then paid a pool electrician to professionally install it and that led to a bill of about $300 total. So I wanted it to work.
The best thing about Intermatic is that you can still get someone on the phone, if you are patient and willing to go through all of the phone menus and call backs.
First, they had me run the copper tube that works the freeze protection outside of the weatherproof box, using one of the bottom round punch outs on the bottom of the box. I put the copper tube in a short piece of electrical conduit, to protect it. Following their instructions to a tee.
Second, they sent me a new freeze protection switch. I installed the new one and got the same results.
Third, they sent me a new relay switch. I installed the new one and got the same results.
Fourth, the only part I had not replaced is the actual timer and it seemed to be working fine, so they were reluctant to send me one. The timer doesn't seem to generate too much heat, since the temperature inside of the box is below freezing when the freeze protection kicks in. It is once it kicks in, that the heat begins to build.
We ended our Customer Service Journey with the Intermatic tech suggesting I drill a hole in the side of the metal weather proof box and run the copper tube out the side of the box and down, to eliminate the 6 to 8 inches of copper tube that are exposed to the heat inside of the box, when you run it out the bottom of the box. You might have to be looking at the guts of the unit for this to make sense. But the copper tube starts at the top of the box and runs to the bottom and out a hole in the bottom of the box and then down another 18 inches or so, inside of electrical conduit. The electrical conduit and nut are not provided with this unit. That was something I picked up at the hardware store.
I have not tried this solution, because it would expose the fragile copper vein to damage. Since it would no longer be hanging inside of the electrical conduit that fastens to the bottom of the box. It would just be running out the side of the box and dangling down from the hole I punched in the side.
Maybe this would fix the problem, because only a few inches would be exposed to the heat inside of the box and more of it would be exposed to the cold outside of the box.
You can do the same thing by going out and opening up the door to the weatherproof box and leaving it open when you are expecting freezing weather. This allows the Freeze Protection to work like it should, because it comes on and runs continuously until the outside temperature warms up. I have tested this and it works.
I know you are probably thinking that seems like an easy fix, why I am complaining. But remember, with the door open, you no longer have the protection from water that you paid for, when you bought the metal weatherproof box. And my box is exposed to the elements, that is why I wanted the nice metal box.
Intermatic was willing to seek a solution with me and sent me several parts over 12 months. In the end, I believe it to be a design flaw and not a problem with the actual electrical parts. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to buy the separate freeze protection mechanism by itself and install it in its own separate weatherproof box. That way, the heat from the timer and relay would not interfere with copper tubing that turns the freeze protection mechanism on and off. They do sale the separate freeze control on Amazon. If anyone tries it, please let me know. Of course, you then have 2 weatherproof boxes on your wall, instead of just the one combo unit. So there are pluses and minuses, but it should allow the freeze protection to work.
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This is a really great product. I decided that instead of installing myself I would hire an electrician.
BE AWARE the thermostat has a copper tube sensor that looks EXACTLY like a standard ground wire. My electrician thought it was a ground wire and cut it short and wired it accordingly!
Once that copper tube is cut the timer is shot and I have to order the replacement thermostat for an additional $45.
Make sure you don't make the same mistake.
Best Deals for Intermatic PF1102T Freeze Protection Timer with Thermostat
Starts pump at higher temps than I like but then again I don't get hard freezes at all. Just have it in case I forget to leave pump on when it gets below 32 a couple times a year.
Honest reviews on Intermatic PF1102T Freeze Protection Timer with Thermostat
Great product, been working great for a few months now. So easy to set up and runs like clock work!!
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Intermatic PF1102T Freeze Protection Timer with Thermostat
It was excactly as described and the instructions were easy to follow. I had it installed with the new conduit and wire is less than an hour